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World Heritage Site: Shimogamo Shrine and Kamomioya Shrine

About prayer

On July 1, 2024, the Kamosha Reiden (prayer hall) at Kamomioya Shrine was restored as part of the 34th Shikinen Sengu project.

Prayers were offered at the main shrine, a national treasure, but the main shrine is actually a special area used for public ceremonies such as the Kamo Festival, and is a national treasure that should be carefully maintained as a sacred space for strict rituals.

However, in recent years, the main shrine has been severely damaged by the large number of visitors coming and going.

It was determined that if things continued as they were, it would be difficult to maintain and manage the national treasure that should be preserved for future generations.

Considering the convenience of those who receive prayers,

We are pleased to announce the restoration of the Kamosha Reiden Hall, which was used as a prayer hall from the Heian period until the early Meiji period.

List of prayers

Reception hours: 9:00am - 4:30pm (no reservation required)

Safety in the home, protection from misfortune, etc.

Safety in the home and protection from evil

Prayer fee : from 10,000 yen

Items withdrawn : talismans, amulets, etc.

Originally, the unlucky age was considered a special age, just like the celebrations of longevity such as kanreki (61 years old) and koki (70 years old). Reaching an unlucky age signifies attaining a certain status in the local community, and one becomes more involved in religious ceremonies, such as joining a shrine or carrying a mikoshi. For this reason, one had to keep one's body and mind pure, and be careful with one's words and actions. It is for these reasons that the "yaku" (misfortune) of an unlucky age is said to represent the "role" of a divine servant who serves the gods.

Prayers for safe childbirth

Prayer for safe delivery

Prayer fee : from 10,000 yen

Items removed : talismans, amulets, etc.

On the fifth month of pregnancy (the number of days varies depending on the region), people visit shrines to pray for a safe delivery and wrap a cotton belly band (Iwata obi) around the pregnant woman's belly in a ceremony called obi-iwai. This is done on the day of the dog, as it is believed that dogs are fertile, and because they are considered animals that travel between this world and the next, and because dogs bark a lot to protect the home, it is said to ward off evil spirits. In addition to protecting the fetus, the belly band is also said to have religious significance, such as stabilizing the fetus's spirit.

Traffic Safety

Road Safety

Prayer fee : from 10,000 yen

Items removed : talismans, amulets, etc.

We will ward off misfortunes related to the destination for those travelling on the road, ensuring traffic safety, car purification, and safe travels.

Information on Hatsumiya and Shichigosan

how to apply

No reservations are required.

On the day, please come to the prayer reception desk and fill out the application form.

*From July 1st onwards, prayer requests will be accepted at the Raiden hall on the east side of the Tower Gate.

Business hours

9:00am - 4:30pm (no reservations required)


Please visit on a day that is convenient for you.

Please note that it may be busy on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays in October and November.

First Shrine

Prayer fee : from 10,000 yen

Items withdrawn : talismans, amulets, etc.

Shichigosan is said to have originated from the ancient customs of "Kamioki" at the age of three, "Hakama-gi" at the age of five, and "Obi-hajime" at the age of seven. "Kamioki" was a ceremony for both boys and girls, and it was on this day that they began to grow their hair. "Hakama-gi" was the ceremony where boys put on hakama for the first time, and "Obi-hajime" was the ceremony where girls took off the child-sized strings and put on adult obi.

Shichigosan (7-5-3)

Prayer fee : from 5,000 yen

Items withdrawn : talismans, amulets, etc.


Company/Group (Reservation) Formal Visit

Please contact us for more details.

Prayers by mail

Mobile Ceremonies Groundbreaking Ceremonies, Purification Ceremonies

Information on ground-breaking ceremonies, purification ceremonies, and on-site ceremonies

Groundbreaking ceremony

This festival is held for construction and civil engineering work, and is held to worship the Kamo-no-Okami, as well as the local deities Ubusunokami and Ootokonushi no Kami, and to pray for the safety and smooth completion of the work.

Purification Ceremony, Purification Ceremony

A festival to purify impurities, ward off all disasters, and perform other purification rituals.

Examples: Purification for newly built homes, purification for used homes, purification for demolition and reconstruction, purification for tree cutting, purification for digging wells and filling land, purification for factories and workplaces, purification and cleansing after accidents, etc.

We mainly make business trips to the areas around Shimogamo, Takano, Iwakura, Ohara, and Shizuhara.

Please contact us for more details.

Prayer fee : 50,000 yen

:30,000 yen (without offerings)

Other List

This year's unlucky year table

Ideally, prayers are said by visiting our shrine and being held in front of the altar, but for those who live far away or are unable to visit for some reason, we also accept prayers by mail.

Please contact us for more details.

Prayer fee : From 10,000 yen (1,000 yen shipping fee not included)

The first shrine visit of a child is when the child reports the birth to the local deity, gives thanks, and prays for the deity to watch over the child's healthy growth. Generally, it is held on the 31st day for boys and the 33rd day for girls, but this can vary depending on the region. Taking into consideration the child's physical condition and the weather, the best day is generally chosen around these dates to visit the shrine.


Opening ceremony, opening ceremony

A purification ceremony held when opening a new business, office, store, factory, etc. A festival to pray for the prosperity and safety of the business.

Construction and business safety prayer ceremony

A festival held at construction sites, companies, factories and workplaces to pray for the safety of construction works, businesses and daily operations.

Takushinsai (House God Festival)

A festival to pray for the daily health and safety of families at home.

Completion Ceremony

This festival is held to give thanks for the safe completion of construction work and to pray for the safety of buildings and homes in the future.

Kamiageshiki (shrine purification ceremony), Shinto altar purification ceremony

This festival is held to give thanks to the gods and pray for protection from misfortune as well as to return altars and shrines.


We also accept reservations for groundbreaking ceremonies, ridgepole-raising ceremonies, Shinsousai, and annual festivals.

*We mainly travel to the areas around Shimogamo, Takano, Iwakura, Ohara, and Shizuhara, so please contact us for details.

We can also accommodate requests for festivals where we will be dispatched to serve on a specific date each month or year, so please feel free to contact us.

Main shrine: Kamo Mioya Shrine (Shimogamo Shrine), sub-shrine Kamoha Ni Shrine (Aka no Miya), sub-shrine Mikage Shrine

Concurrently serving shrines: Hataeda Hachiman Shrine, Kino Atago Shrine, Ebumi Shrine

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