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World Heritage Site: Shimogamo Shrine and Kamomioya Shrine

Summer solstice ritual

Information on the Nagoshi Shinji Ceremony

This traditional event takes place on the eve of the beginning of autumn, and is held to ward off misfortune and pray for good health for the coming year. Worshippers throw paper dolls (hitogata) to ward off misfortune into the Mitarashi Pond, after which the men of the shrine's parishioners fiercely compete for the 50 igushi (skewered poles) that have been set up in the center. The igushi are said to have the power to ward off misfortune and bring good fortune, and because they are shaped like arrows, they are also called the "arrow-catching ritual."

This traditional event takes place on the eve of the beginning of autumn, and is held to ward off misfortune and pray for good health for the coming year. Worshippers throw paper dolls (hitogata) to ward off misfortune into the Mitarashi Pond, after which the men of the shrine's parishioners fiercely compete for the 50 igushi (skewered poles) that have been set up in the center. The igushi are said to have the power to ward off misfortune and bring good fortune, and because they are shaped like arrows, they are also called the "arrow-catching ritual."

Event Schedule

Tuesday, August 6, 2024



Inoue Shrine (Mitarai Shrine)

It is called Inoue Shrine because it is enshrined on top of a well (also known as Mitarai Shrine).
In the Mitarai pond in front of the shrine, the Saio-dai purification ritual (misogi ceremony) is performed during the Kamo Festival (Aoi Festival), and the "foot-soaking ritual" (Mitarai Festival: annual festival) is held on the day of the Ox during the Doyo period.
It is said that Mitarashi dango are shaped like the bubbles bubbling up from the bottom of Mitarai Pond.

The flow of the Nagoshi Shinto Ritual

The Chigonawa is made from a long, thin grass called Chigaya. By passing through the Chigonawa, people pray for the elimination of epidemics and good health. It is meant to purify the impurities of the first half of the year and to pray for good health.


"Hitogata" (dolls) used in Shinto rituals These "dolls" are paper cut out into the shape of a person and are placed on display. The name and age are written on each one, and the body is stroked and blown on to purify the impurities of the first half of the year and to pray for good health.

Doll (human-shaped car doll)

Fifty arrow-shaped ikebana sticks are set up in a circle in Mitaraishi-ike Pond within the shrine grounds, and strong, shirtless men known as "hadaka-otoko" line up on either side of the pond.

Fifty arrow-shaped ikebana sticks are set up in a circle in Mitaraishi-ike Pond within the shrine grounds, and strong, shirtless men known as "hadaka-otoko" line up on either side of the pond.

The ritual is also called the Yatori Shinji ritual, due to the story that Tamayorihime-no-Mikoto, the deity enshrined in the East Main Hall (a national treasure), was playing in the river when a crimson-lacquered arrow washed up on the shore. When she brought it home, she became pregnant and gave birth to Kamo Wakeikazuchi-no-Kami, the deity of Kamigamo Shrine.

At a signal, the priest scatters dolls onto which people's sins have been transferred, and at the same time, naked men jump out from both banks of the pond and fight over the igushi (sacred stick) in the center of the pond.

At a signal, the priest scatters dolls onto which people's sins have been transferred, and at the same time, naked men jump out from both banks of the pond and fight over the igushi (sacred stick) in the center of the pond.

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